1.The government is the main contributor and, as such, controls the project.
2.You should take something light, such as a jade tiepin, jasmine tea.
3.As such he is seeking a declaratory judgment that the Internet Gambling Ban (IGB) is unconstitutional.
4.Most of the devices are simple—such as a blacklight and funnel above a bucket of cyanide gas—but effective.
5.You are sure to see a souvenir that you want to take home, such as a comfortable muumuu, some macadamia nuts or a grass skirt.
6.Butterine and oleomargarine, which must be labelled as such, if of good quality, are nutritious, inexpensive fats to be used in place of creamery butter.
7.It gives fans a chance to mix reality with illusion4 as they tour sites made famous in a string of movie classics, as well as such unforgettable stinkers.
8.Psalm 118 is a hymn of thanksgiving for the wonderful deliverance that God gave His people and as such it is a fitting conclusion to the "Hallel Psalms".